Sunday, December 10, 2006

NC Scorecards

Take a look at newly published North Carolina scorecard reports for various trends in NC as published by the North Carolina Progress Board. Each was carefully researched and reflects current ranking of the state in each category as well as its placing among other southeastern states and the nation. These are intended to show now NC is doing and lead to discussion of what can be done to improve quality of life in each of the areas and keep NC competitive.

Choose one of the eight Imperatives and click on it to view a page of topics related to that Imperative, then click on the link for the associated scorecard (example - Smoking).

Please contact your state representatives and tell them you want publication of these reports to continue and for the state to continue funding the independent research of the NC Progress Board. You might also indicate your thoughts of having the Board consist of only members that do not bring partisan bias to the reports and that none of the members be from specific state organizations or from the Governors office.

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